If you have answered NO honestly to all the questions then you can be reasonably sure that you can start to become more physically active - begin slowly and build up gradually. This is the safest and easiest way to go. If you are not feeling well due to a temporary cold or fever then you should avoid exercising until you feel better. If your health changes so that you would then answer YES to any of the above questions then please advise your fitness instructor immediately. If you have answered YES to any questions you must talk to your doctor by phone or in person before you start becoming more physically active and obtain their advice and if necessary written proof of this may be needed.
I have read, understood and completed the questionnaire. I confirm that I have sought advice from my GP or specialist consultant if applicable before commencing this exercise programme and have revealed, to the best of my knowledge, anything which may affect me as a result of exercise. If I choose not to consult my GP, I do so at my own risk and
participating in any physically activity I am unable to hold any person liable for any injury or even possible death. Some classes may involve using equipment such as mats, bands, hand weights or balls. If you prefer not use these then please advise the instructor. You are asked to use the equipment responsibly and as per the instructors instructions.
Photos may be taken during the class to use for future advertising/marketing of the class, if you prefer not to be shown
in these then please advise the instructor.
All data will be held confidentially in line with the current data protection act. By completing this form you agree for your information to be shared with those involved in session delivery and your demographic information will be shared with our funder Places Leisure.